  • DicomPrintScp胶片打印服务
  • 泰融系列超声工作站
  • 泰融系列内镜工作站


点击数:30732013-07-31 21:07:06 来源: 泰融科技


A user composes images onto film sheets and requests them to be sent to a specific hardcopy device. The user can select the desired film format and number of copies. Each print-job is forwarded to the job queue and processed individually.


A typical sequence of DIMSE messages sent over an association between Print-SCU AE and a Printer is illustrated in Figure above:
1. The Print-SCU AE opens an association with the Printer.
2. N-GET on the Printer SOP Class is used to obtain current printer status information. If the Printer reports a status of FAILURE, the print-job is switched to a failed state and the user informed.
3. N-CREATE on the Film Session SOP Class creates a Film Session.
4. N-CREATE on the Film Box SOP Class creates a Film Box linked to the Film Session.
5. N-SET on the Image Box SOP Class transfers the contents of the film sheet to the printer.
6. N-ACTION on the Film Box SOP Class instructs the Printer to print the Film Box.
7. The printer prints the requested number of film sheets.
8. The Printer asynchronously reports its status via N-EVENT-REPORT notification (Printer SOP Class). If the Printer reports a status of FAILURE, the print-job is switched to a failed state and the user informed.
9. N-DELETE on the Film Session SOP Class deletes the complete Film Session SOP Instance hierarchy.
10. The Print SCU AE closes the association with the Printer.


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